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200 hr Yoga Teacher Training Program


200 hr Yoga Teacher Training Program

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Private Training

200 hr Yoga Teacher Training Program

Scentsuosity 200-Hour Weekend Teacher Training Classes will be held  in person and by online and virtually!

Private trainings are available upon request.


June 15th 2024 to September 2024

When: 2 weekends out of the month on Saturdays-Sundays from 10am to 4pm and online and zoom learning involved.

Where: Scentsuosity Home Studio, 4305 Iyar Way, Wake Forest NC


Tuition: $2,800,  with payment plan options on the website. 

Early Bird: $2500.00 a savings of $300.00 The early bird deposit is due before or on June 8, 2024.

All monies deposited are nonrefundable.  Once you enroll there will be no refunds and no exceptions. If you are not able to complete your 200 hr program you can resume finishing the YTT program at another time. You will also be required to pay for books recommended for class.  This course will be Yoga Alliance Certified.  

This yoga training is for anyone who wants to become a better version of themselfes, there are no requirements to participate, come as you are and experience Scentsuosity's holistic and wellbeing care while in our hands!

Meet Your Teacher Lea J. Alston

Lea is a registered Yoga Alliance E-RYT-500 and has been teaching Yoga classes since 2014 to students of all backgrounds in a intimate studio setting. She loves teaching with kindness, passion and her skills will set you on a path to being your very best as a yoga teacher if you choose. Some of her classes involve a little of the best of everything from meditations, stagnant poses and flows. Lea is also an creative and has certifications in spiritual coaching, chakra healing, aromatherapy, thai body massage, crystal healing, soul writing and teaches natural cosmetic formulating for over 13 yrs. 

In this training you will learn:

Our 200-Hour Curriculum is a Hatha training, uniquely blending the history and philosophical teachings of different forms of yoga with the essential components of asanas, anatomy and sequencing. The learning delivery here is interactive and personalized, encouraging a well-rounded approach to developing both your personal practice and your teaching skills. Students enrolled in this program will be allowed to participate for free in unlimited number of regularly scheduled yoga classes during the 5 month term of the teacher training program.The training is specifically designed to help you:


Techniques, Training and Practice:

  • Learn the basic history of Yoga.
  • Learn over 60 asanas (poses), including modifications and variations. New poses along with topics of study are reviewed and practiced for a better understanding. 
  • Study pranayama ( breathing ) and its historical context and its affect on the body. Learn and practice Uijayi, Nadi, Shodhana and Kapalabhati. 
  • Learn the traditional yoga techniques of chanting, mantra, and meditation and how to incorporate them into your classes.
  • Learn to create safe and well rounded classes with a warm up, asanas, peak and cool down sequences to develop an effective class. Learning to offer modifications as you train.

Teaching Methodology:

  • Master class sequencing and developing good time management skills while learning to prioritize and set boundaries.
  • Study the application and use of demonstrations, observation, assisting and correction skills with opportunities as you teach trainings. Learn how to address the needs of your students.
  • Learn to teach safe, effective classes for all students while honing how to use your own cuing language and techniques. Finding your teaching voice.
  • Explore and develop your own style and teach the practice that calls to you. Each week you will learn and teach a different skill to help you begin to master these effectively.
  • Learn the Business of Yoga to include marketing, legal and pre-created workshops for your use.

Anatomy and Physiology:

  • Study anatomy learning about muscles, bones and joints and how they are involved with your 60 asanas. How this can differ from student to student.
  • Apply anatomy and physiology principles to yoga practice studying their benefits and contraindications, which are included for each pose, as well as learning healthy movement patterns.

Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers

  • Learn about the Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras and Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
  • Study a specific Yama or Niyama throughout each training weekend.
  • Learn about dharma and karma and it’s yogic application.
  • Study the 8 Limbs of Yoga and how to apply them to your daily practice. 
  • Understand ethics for yoga teachers and teacher/student relationships.


  • Practice teach a class to fellow trainees every weekend, developing comfort and mastery of leading yoga classes prior to graduation.
  • Receive facilitator feedback, helping you develop your teaching style with this helpful mentoring aspect.
  • Record in a class notebook observations during training to develop mastery of this skill.
  • Bonus training for Chakra Healing Certificate 

What you will need for class: dress comfortably, lunch/snacks, book for required reading (Teaching Yoga by Mark Stephens, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, The Yoga Anotomy Coloring Book,Meditations from the Mat by Ralf Gates and Katrina Kenison)

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